

  • 2 andouille sausages (freeze the rest for pizza)
  • 2T olive oil (or oil of your choice)
  • 2 red onions (or the tops from a whole bunch)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 carrot or 1 red pepper
  • 2 cans of white beans with half the liquid drained.
  • 2T fish sauce
  • 15ml lemon juice
  • 4 spring onions


White Beans with Andouille

white beans w saus


  •  Heat large pot over a medium heat, then add oil and finely chopped sausages
  • Fry for five minutes to brown and crisp, remove to a dish then add onion, garlic and carrot
  • Leave lid on for 10~15 minutes on low
  • Add beans and heat until hot, add sausages, fish sauce, and vinegar, cook for one minute then add spring onions and serve


This is quick, tasty food, that sees a little bit of meat go a long way. Serves 2~6 (depending on your hunger). This is great in lunchboxes. I like either butter beans or chickpeas in here as an alternative to white beans.

Thank you to Havoc Pork for the Andouille, Brydone Growers for the onion, Te Mahanga for the garlic and Janefield Hydroponics for the spring onions used in the cooking demonstration at the market.

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