

  • 4 x 450 g whole sole (note size depends on what is available and your preference)
  • 2 leeks, washed and sliced thinly
  • 55 g unsalted butter, melted
  • Drizzle of olive oil
  • 2 lemons, halved
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • For the parsley butter
  • 115 g unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 lemon, juice only
  • 1 Tbsp chopped parsley



sole w leeks


  • Place the butter in a small pot and add the leeks and thyme, cook gently for about 5 minutes or until the leeks are tender and sweet
  • Set aside For the parsley butter: mix the butter with the lemon juice and whip until pale and lump free, add the parsley, season with salt and pepper and mix to combine
  • Roll up in dampened greaseproof paper to a sausage shape and put in the freezer until needed
  • For the sole: preheat the grill
  • Wash the fish under cold running water and pat dry
  • Using a sharp knife run the blade down the centre (from the head to the tail) and then carefully slice the flesh back from the centre being very careful not to cut the flesh
  • Place a little oil on a baking tray and place the fish on top
  • Add a small knob of butter on each fish and season lightly, squeeze over a little lemon juice and place under the grill and cook for about 3-5 minutes, add the softened leeks and return under the grill and cook for further 2-3 minutes or until fish is co
  • Take the parsley butter from the freezer and, using a warm knife, cut into thin slices
  • Lay two slices on each sole and let it melt
  • Serve with half a lemon and enjoy!


Serves 4

Thanks to EDMONDS FRESH FISH for providing the fish used in the demonstration, and to TE MAHANGA ORCHARD for the leeks.

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