Michelle & Tony Pringle
- 03 418 4315
- 027 354 3821
Track RD02, Balclutha
- info@agreeablenature.co.nz
- https://www.agreeablenature.co.nz
- https://www.facebook.com/AgreeableNature
Primary Produce Eggs Shop online & deliveries Cash only
Agreeable Nature Free Range Eggs

Michelle and Tony farm dairy cows, sheep, beef, and 2,500 pastured free-range hens. They follow biological farming practices, with a focus on soil health and producing nutrient dense food.
The hens are housed in transportable hen houses, which are moved around the pasture so that they have access to food and water at all times. This offers a true free-range system, and the hens roam quite a distance - much further than the current free-range regulations.
The eggs are marketed as "mixed" grade, which means customers get great value for money, as the eggs are often too big to fit in a standard sized carton.
Agreeable Nature also offer a recycling option to reuse undamaged cartons.