
Caithness Farm Ltd


A family run farm in beautiful Waimate


The Bruce family have farmed this block of land in north Otago since 1937. The farm consists of 150 hectares of alluvial silts running to wonderfully fertile black soil which is perfect for growing a wide range of vegetables. Since 1937 the farm has grown potatoes, carrots and other vegetables almost continuously. With the ability to irrigate as required most crops will do well. There was a time they diversified into breeding alpacas and also ran dairy herds but these days they have streamlined operations.


Jeffrey and Andrea are the third generation to farm this block. They grow barley, wheat and dried peas as well as potatoes and carrots. Jeffrey is particularly handy with mechanical things and last year built a produce washing plant and shed from various bits of scrap he had sourced around the place. They sell to local supermarkets and are NZ Gap certified. Three of their five children work on the farm with them.


They produce particularly tasty vegetables as their market customers can attest to. This coming season will see them increase the variety of what they are offering at the market.

Butler's Fruit Farm 12/66 Next Vendor