

  • 6 medium sized agria potatoes (Caithness Farm)
  • 1 leek (Ettrick Gardens)
  • salt and pepper
  • 400ml whole milk (Holy Cow)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3 teaspoon GF flour



Baking Vegetarian


Agria and Leek Gratin

agria leek gratin


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius
  • Give the potatoes a light scrub in some cold water
  • Do not peel
  • Cut into slices about ½ a cm thick
  • Slice the leek into thin slices
  • Layer the potatoes in a single layer in a baking dish
  • Top the potatoes with some of the sliced leeks and a sprinkle of salt and pepper
  • Repeat until you have enough potatoes left for one more layer
  • Before putting the top layer of potatoes on, combine the milk, garlic cloves (crushed or grated) and GF flour and whisk to combine
  • Pour the milk mixture over the layered potatoes and leeks
  • Place the top layer of potatoes on and give a final season of salt and pepper
  • Bake in the oven covered for 20mins, then remove cover and bake for a further 25 minutes or until golden brown
  • You may like to place a baking tray underneath the dish to catch any overflow