

  • 680g fresh blackberries
  • 227g honey
  • ½ lemon, zested and juiced
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lavender buds





Blackberry & Lavender Jam

blackberry lavender jam


  • Before you start, put a couple of small glass or ceramic bowls in the freezer to use for testing your jam for setting point
  • Grind the lavender buds in a mortar and pestle
  • Set aside
  • Add the blackberries, honey, lemon juice and zest in a large, wide pan
  • As the blackberries cook down, mash them with the back of a large spoon
  • This step is optional; it depends on how chunky you prefer your jams
  • As the jam cooks, it will start to foam
  • Scrape the foam off as it continues to cook
  • The foam doesn’t affect the integrity of the jam, but it does make the jam less attractive
  • Jam sets at around 105°c If you do not have a candy thermometer, you can use the “freezer test” to see if you jam has set
  • As your jam starts to thicken, remove a bowl from the freezer and place a spoonful of jam on it
  • Put it back into the freezer for two or three minutes
  • Pull the dish out and gently nudge the jam with the tip of your finger
  • If it wrinkles a bit when pushed, it is done
  • If not, continue cooking the jam a few minutes more and test again
  • While you are testing, remove the jam from the heat so you don’t accidentally overcook it
  • Once the jam has set, turn off the heat, add the lavender and mix
  • Pour the jam into jars, let them cool to room temperature, then refrigerate


The jam will need to be refrigerated and consumed within a month.