

  • Base
  • 80g butter
  • 250g plain biscuits
  • Filling
  • 1 egg
  • 1T icing sugar
  • 250g mascarpone
  • 1/2tsp vanilla
  • 300g strawberries
  • A long narrow tart tin with a removable bottom is easiest to work with (or individual glasses)



Desserts Tart Strawberry Dessert


Easy Strawberry and Mascarpone Tart

strawb tart


  • Base Melt the butter
  • Crush the biscuits in the food processor, pour in the butter
  • Press into tin but don’t over press it - it is pleasing if left a little crumbly (although I do find that it helps to really press the edges
  • ) Refrigerate while you make the filling
  • Filling Separate the egg
  • Mix the yolk with sugar and beat
  • Add the mascarpone and vanilla
  • Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form then fold into the mascarpone
  • Spoon mixture into the base
  • Prepare your strawberries, hulling and slicing them
  • Keep it all chilled
  • Take it out of the fridge about 20 minutes before you serve
  • Pile the strawberries on top of the tart
  • Serve…


This is a quick and easy short order kind of tart. If you don’t have time to allow the base to set then you can serve the cream, fruit and biscuit crumbs layered in a glass (or jar).

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