

  • 2 fresh figs (Pauley Family Farm)
  • 1 block chevre (Goat Island Dairy)
  • 200gm streaky bacon (Blue Mountain Butchery)
  • 2 cups rocket
  • ½ cup balsamic vinegar
  • ¼ cup cold pressed olive oil (Dunford Grove)



Fig, Chevre Salad with Crispy Streaky Bacon

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  • Heat a large pan on the stove top to a medium heat
  • Place the bacon in and lay flat
  • Cook until beginning to brown and flip it
  • Cook until browning and remove from heat
  • Allow to cool
  • Place balsamic vinegar in a small pot on the stove top and heat until it reaches a rolling boiling
  • Reduce until halved in volume
  • Remove from heat
  • To assemble the salad, place rocket in a large shallow bowl, cut the figs in half length ways, and then cut each half into 4 length ways and arrange on top of the rocket
  • Cut the chevre into desired sized pieces and arrange alongside the figs
  • The bacon should have gone very crispy on cooling, break into shards and arrange on top of the salad
  • Drizzle with the balsamic reduction and olive oil
  • Enjoy!