

  • 3 agria potatoes (Oamaru Organics)
  • ½ elephant garlic (Ettrick Gardens)
  • 1 packet Beef and Bourbon Bier Sticks (Blue Mountain Butchery)
  • 3 TBS olive oil
  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • Salt and pepper





Fried Agria with Beef and Bourbon Bier Sticks and Elephant Garlic

fried agria with beef and bourbon bier sticks and elephant garlic


  • Cut potatoes in half, first length ways
  • From there, cut each piece on the diagonal twice
  • This gives an odd shape with lots of flat surface to fry
  • Heat a large frypan on a low heat and add in the 3 TBS oil
  • Add in the potatoes in a single layer
  • Place a large pot lid over the potatoes and leave them to crisp up on that side
  • This could take up to 5 minutes, depending on how low your elements go
  • Check occasionally to ensure they are not burning
  • Once golden brown and coming away from the base of the pan without sticking, turn each piece of potato onto another side, and return the lid
  • Repeat this process until the potatoes are golden and cooked on each side
  • Check that they are cooked through and fluffy by cutting a piece open
  • Then remove them from the pan and set aside
  • Add the remaining 1 TBS oil to the same pan on a medium heat
  • Cut the bier sticks into 4 pieces, on a diagonal
  • Place the bier sticks in the oil and cook out, until browning and fragrant
  • You will need to turn them a couple of times
  • Turn off the heat
  • Cut the elephant garlic into thin slices
  • Add them to the pan (NOT ON THE HEAT) and allow them to heat through and cook in the residual heat of the pan
  • You do not want to brown these off (if overcooked they turn very bitter)
  • You only want to gently heat them
  • Add the potatoes back to the pan, and combine all of the ingredients together
  • Season with salt and pepper
  • Serve as a side dish to a meal, or pop a soft poached egg on top for an indulgent breakfast
  • Enjoy!


Recipe from Jamalia Edwards.