

  • 1 cup unsweetened Greek yoghurt
  • 1 small (or ½ medium sized) clove of garlic – crushed
  • Salt and pepper – to taste
  • 50gm butter
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon chilli flakes
  • ½ teaspoon paprika
  • 4 eggs (Anne Robertson free range eggs)
  • 6 spears of thick asparagus (Palmerston Asparagus)


Egg Vegetarian Breakfast


Fried Asparagus with Garlic Yoghurt and Eggs

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  • Place yoghurt in a glass or metal bowl over a saucepan of boiling water (do not allow the bowl to touch the water) and heat through
  • Add the garlic and a hit of salt and pepper
  • Once warmed, set aside
  • Heat butter in a large fry pan and slice the asparagus lengthways
  • Fry off the asparagus in the butter on a medium/high heat until the outsides char while retaining a bit of crunch
  • This should only take 1-2 minutes each side
  • Remove the asparagus from the pan leaving the butter and turn off the heat
  • Add the olive oil to the pan along with the chilli flakes and paprika
  • It will foam up a bit when you add it
  • Allow to sit while you cook the eggs
  • Bring a saucepan of water to a rolling simmer and add a dash of vinegar
  • Once boiling crack the eggs into the water and cook to soft poach, about 2 minutes
  • Serve the yoghurt on the bottom of the plate; place the asparagus on top, then the eggs and finally, dress with the chilli oil from the pan
  • Enjoy!!