

  • Omelette Ingredients:
  • 500 ml milk
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 420g gurnard fillets
  • 30g flour (use rice flour for gluten free option)
  • 30g butter
  • 6 eggs
  • Olive oil
  • 50g feta
  • 1 x handful parsley finely chopped
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Salad Ingredients:
  • Pickled Beans and Capsicum (see recipe below)
  • 1 x Fennel bulb + top for garnish


Gurnard Omelette with Pickled Bean and Fennel Salad

gurnard omelette with pickled bean and fennel salad


  • Place the milk in a pot with the peppercorns and onion
  • Place the gurnard into the milk and bring to a gentle simmer
  • Poach the fish for 2-3 minutes until cooked through
  • Remove the fish from the milk and set aside
  • Strain and discard the onion and peppercorns out of the milk
  • Melt the butter in a pot on a moderate heat and then add the flour
  • Cook for a minute before gradually adding the warm milk whilst whisking to make sure the sauce is smooth
  • Once all of the milk is added you can remove from the heat and flake the fish back in to the sauce
  • Add the lemon zest and parsley
  • Season to taste with salt and pepper
  • Next prepare the salad by removing a handful of the beans and a few pieces of capsicum from the pickling brine and finely slice both
  • Finely slice the fennel bulb and chop up some of the fennel top
  • Mix the fennel, fennel top, capsicum and beans together and season with salt if needed
  • Make the omelette next, turn the oven on to grill
  • In a bowl whisk together the eggs and add a little salt and pepper
  • Heat a 23-25cm fry pan on moderate-high heat, once hot but not smoking add a drizzle of olive oil and then the eggs
  • Swirl the eggs over the base of the pan and allow to set a for a moment before gently dragging the outside edge of the omelette towards the centre whilst tilting the pan so uncooked egg runs to the outside
  • Repeat this step until all of the runny egg is starting to set
  • Remove the pan from the heat, spread the fish mix over the omelette and sprinkle over some feta cheese
  • Place the omelette under the grill until the feta is melted
  • Enjoy the omelette straight away with the zingy bean and fennel salad on the side