

  • 1 savoy cabbage (Ettrick Gardens)
  • 1/4 cup sea salt or pink Himalayan salt
  • Water
  • 4 cloves of grated garlic
  • 1 tsp grated peeled fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
  • 2 Tbs fish sauce
  • 3 Tbs Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru)
  • 150g daikon radish, peeled and grated
  • 2 green onions, trimmed and cut into 1-inch piece






kimchi 3 jar


  • Cut the cabbage into quarters
  • Cut the cores from each piece
  • Cut each quarter crosswise into 3cm strips
  • Place the cabbage in a large bowl and massage the salt into the cabbage until it starts to soften slightly
  • Add enough water to cover the cabbage
  • Put a plate on top of the cabbage and weigh it down with something heavy, like a jar or can of beans
  • Let stand for 1 hour
  • Rinse and drain the cabbage
  • Rinse the cabbage under cold water 3 times
  • Set aside to drain in a colander for 15 to 20 minutes
  • While it drains, make the spice paste
  • Add the garlic, ginger, sugar and fish sauce and stir together until it forms a smooth paste
  • Stir in the gochugaru and set aside until the cabbage is ready
  • Add the daikon radish and spring onions to spice paste
  • Gently squeeze any remaining water from the cabbage and add it to the spice paste
  • Using your hands, work the paste into the cabbage until it is well coated
  • Pack the kimchi into clean, dry jars
  • Press down on the kimchi until the brine (the liquid that comes out) rises to cover the cabbage, leaving at least a couple of cms of space at the top
  • This stage can be challenging, if you are really struggling to get enough brine, you can leave it for an hour or so and come back to it
  • Let it ferment for 3-4 days in a cool, dark place
  • Check the kimchi once a day, opening the jar and pressing down on the vegetables with a clean finger or spoon to keep them submerged under the brine
  • When the kimchi taste is to your liking, transfer the jar to the fridge


(Make 4 days in advance)