

  • 800g peeled, seeded kumi kumi
  • 2 large lemons, seeded and roughly cut
  • 600g sugar
  • 100g butter



Baking Preserves KumiKumi


Kumi kumi lemon curd

kumi kumi lemon curd


  • Cook the kumi kumi a small amount of water, covered
  • When soft, drain thoroughly, using a sieve to extract as much water as possible
  • In a food processor, combine the cooked kumi kumi and lemons
  • Process to a uniform mush with tiny pieces of lemon rind all through it
  • In a heavy bottomed pot, combine the processed mush, sugar and butter
  • Stir constantly over a low heat until the butter and sugar are melted
  • Bring to the boil and simmer until nicely thickened
  • This shouldn’t take very long but the cooking temperature will depend on the juiciness of the lemons and how much water was extracted from the kumi kumi
  • Watch closely while boiling as you don’t want the mixture to colour or burn
  • Remove from the heat, skim if necessary and put into sterilised jars