

  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • ½ cup parsley leaves
  • ¼ cup rosemary leaves
  • 4 anchovy fillets
  • ¼ cup red wine vinegar
  • ¼ cup olive oil (Dunford Grove)
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 packet Lamb fillet portions (Cardrona Merino)





Marinated Lamb Fillet Portions

marinated lamb fillet portions


  • Blend together the lemon juice, parsley, rosemary, anchovies, and red wine vinegar, until a fine marinade forms
  • After blending add in the olive oil and stir to combine
  • Place the lamb fillet portions into a small bowl and cover in half of the marinade (retaining the other half for later)
  • Leave to marinate at least 2 hours, or overnight
  • Once ready to cook, heat a heavy pan on a high heat
  • Season the lamb with salt and pepper, and oil the pan
  • Place the lamb into the pan (there should be a loud sizzle), and press it down with the back of a spatula
  • Cook until well browned and flip, repeat on this side
  • Depending on the size of the pieces will depend on cooking time
  • This cut of meat is slightly tougher than fillet, and so I like it cooked a little further
  • Put a pot lid over the lamb once flipped onto the second side and lower the heat to cook to your liking
  • I left it for 4-5 minutes and it came out medium, which was perfect for me
  • Let rest for 5 minutes, and serve alongside the remaining marinade
  • Enjoy!


Recipe from Jamalia Edwards.