

  • 1kg quince -scrubbed. (NZ Nut Products/Ettrick Gardens)
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 600 ml water
  • Approx. 450gram sugar



Vegetarian Preserves


Membrillo (Quince Cheese)

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  • Roughly chop quince and put into a large heavy based pot with 600ml water, add the lemon juice & mix through
  • Bring to the boil and then simmer for 30 minutes
  • When the fruit is soft, crush it with a potato masher or fork until it is a soft, syrup pulp, and let it cool
  • Sieve the pulp in batches over a large clean bowl
  • Pressing the pulp hard against the sieve with a wooden spoon
  • This is hard work but worth the effort, extract as much purée as possible
  • Measure the purée for every 450 ml of purée using 450grams of sugar
  • Put the purée and sugar back into the pot and stir over low heat to dissolve the sugar
  • Bring to the boil, then heat down and simmer gently for 45-60 minutes
  • Watch that it doesn’t burn
  • The purée will reduce and become orange in colour, glossy and very thick
  • It is ready when it makes a “plopping” sound and sticks to the wooden spoon
  • You will need 6 sterilized ramekins, light grease them
  • Spoon in the paste to the top and flatten out
  • Seal with wax paper and I use a large chopping board to sit on the top
  • Let them cool for a few hours and then remove from the ramekins and wrap in wax paper
  • Leave them to mature for 4-6 weeks in a cool dark place
  • Serve on a cheese board with Whitestone & Evansdale Cheeses!


Recipe by: Amy Dougherty