

  • 4 large egg whites
  • 250g caster sugar
  • 1tsp cornflour
  • 1tsp white vinegar
  • Icing sugar – to sprinkle onto drying paper



Desserts Baking GlutenFree


Meringue Roulade

roulade 2


  • Whisk egg whites in a large bowl until stiff peaks, gradually whisk in the sugar a spoon at a time then continue for a couple a minutes until well combined and sugar dissolved into the mix
  • Mix the cornflour and vinegar together then fold into the meringue
  • Spread mixture into a greased, lined swiss roll tin, cook in moderate oven (180’C) for 10 mins until well risen and beginning to colour then reduce to 160’C and cook for 5 mins or until just firm to touch and beginning to crack
  • Turn hot meringue onto a tea towel with a sheet of baking paper sprinkled with icing sugar and leave to cool for 1-2 hours
  • To finish, peel off the paper and spread with choice of filling
  • Gently roll up, using the tea towel/paper to guide it
  • Filling options: Whipped cream, lemon curd or whipped coconut cream
  • With fruit, compote or berries
  • See recipe for a Spiced Pear Compote for a great fresh winter option