

  • 750gm pears -cored and diced (Willowbrook Orchard)
  • 350gm onions -diced
  • 1 dried chili -cut with seeds
  • 2 Tbsp seeded mustard
  • 2- 3 Tbsp tamarind paste
  • 450ml apple cider vinegar
  • 300gm demerara sugar
  • 1 tsp salt



Preserves Pear


Pear & Tamarind Chutney

img 5173


  • Put all ingredients into a heavy-based pot, slowly bring the boil stirring to dissolve the sugar
  • Reduce the heat and simmer gently, uncovered, for about 2 hours
  • The mixture will start to turn a dark caramel and thicken up
  • You will need to keep an eye on it closely at the end, stirring it to stop it sticking
  • Its ready when you can draw the wooden spoon across the bottom of the pot, and it leaves a trail
  • Have your jars and lids ready to go, an easy way for sterilizing is to put your jars in the oven and lids in a pot of boiling water
  • Fill the jars and make sure the lids are on tight and leave to cool
  • Label your chutney
  • Store in a cool dark place and try and leave them for a few months before eating


Recipe by: Amy Dougherty