

  • 1 kg red fantasy potatoes
  • ½ cup parmesan
  • 1 large, free range egg
  • Salt & Pepper
  • To fry:
  • Oil (eg vegetable, canola, rice bran)
  • For crumbing:
  • Free range egg
  • Milk
  • Cornflour
  • Panko breadcrumbs



Vegetarian Snack


Potato croquettes with aioli dipping sauce

potato croquettes with aioli dipping sauce


  • Pre heat the oven to 200 degrees and roast the potatoes in a dish covered in foil until they are soft (approx
  • 1-1
  • 5 hours depending on the size of potatoes) when tested with a knife Remove from the oven and cut in half, while still hot scoop the potato out of the skins (discard skins or crisp up and enjoy as a snack!!) and place in a bowl Mash the potatoes until they
  • Place an egg and a splash of milk in one and whisk well, in another place ¼ cup cornflour and finally in the last dish add 1 cup panko breadcrumbs Take the rolled croquettes and dip into the cornflour, dust off any excess and then place in the egg mix be
  • I like to double crumb my croquettes and therefore place each one back into the egg mix and the crumb again, however this isn’t essential but does give a really good crispy crumb coat
  • Lay the croquettes on a flat baking paper lined tray in a single layer Repeat the process until all of the croquettes are crumbed
  • You may need more panko crumbs or egg etc added to your bowls depending on whether you are double crumbing or not
  • Place the croquettes into the fridge whilst you are heating up the oil Heat the oil up in a deep pot on a moderate heat
  • Once the oil has heated up test one of the croquettes and if it bubbles and starts to turn golden over a few minutes the temperature is most likely perfect
  • If they brown too quickly before the heat has a chance to get to the middle turn the temp down and if they are taking too long to brown up try heating the oil up a little hotter (better still if you have one, use a thermometer and heat the oil to approx
  • 180 degrees) Once the croquettes are cooked, remove from the oil and place on a paper towel Sprinkle over a little extra salt and serve with the aioli