

  • 2 rashers of bacon, finely diced or 6-8 mushrooms sliced
  • half a red onion, finely sliced,
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • ½ a preserved lemon, minced
  • ¼c olive oil
  • ¼c red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar
  • salt, pepper, sugar to adjust seasoning
  • Sharp cheese, salt & pepper to taste



Vegetarian Autumn Sides


Radicchio with warm dressing

radicchio with warm dressing


  • Sautee your choice of bacon or mushrooms add the red onions and then garlic
  • Build your dressing; lemon, olive oil, vinegar in the pan on top of sautéed bacon or mushrooms, over a low heat
  • Cut radicchio into portion sized wedges
  • Spoon warm dressing over individually plated wedges, cut faces up
  • Finish by crumbling over your choice of sharp cheese and a final twist of cracked pepper
  • To make for a more complete meal serve topped with a soft poached egg


Visually striking, with a bite to match, Radicchio is a bitter salad leaf cultivated from chicory, which in turn has its roots back in something similar to the present day dandelion. This robust leaf pairs beautifully with strong cheeses and warm salty dressings making it a great segue from the salads of summer to the earthier notes of autumn.