

  • 1 bunch baby carrot with greens (Caithness Farm)
  • 4 red onions with greens (Oamaru Organics)
  • ¼ cup (melted) coconut or olive oil
  • 2 cups cooked black rice – cook per packet instructions
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Salt and pepper



Vegetarian Vegan


Roasted Baby Carrot and Red Onion with Black Rice

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  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius
  • Remove the greens from the carrots and set aside
  • Wash the carrots and cut in half, place in a roasting dish
  • Remove the greens from the onions and set aside
  • Cut the onions into quarters and place in the roasting dish along with the carrots
  • Peel and crush the garlic and combine with the oil and cumin seeds
  • Pour over the vegetables and coat well
  • Season with salt and pepper and roast for 30 minutes or until soft and beginning to brown
  • While they roast finely slice the onion greens, and the carrot greens
  • In a large bowl, combine the carrot and onion greens along with the cooked rice, juice of 2 lemons, and a generous hit of salt and pepper
  • Once roasted, add the vegetables to the rice and stir to combine
  • Serve warm