

  • ½ cauliflower, broken into rough florets (Ettrick Gardens)
  • Half a head of garlic (Ettrick Gardens)
  • 1L vegetable stock, hot
  • 100g blue cheese (suggested vendors Whitestone cheese or Evansdale Cheese)
  • Hazelnuts to garnish (Hazelnut Estate)



Vegetarian Preserves Autumn Soup Cauliflower BlueCheese


Roasted cauliflower blue cheese soup (V)

roasted cauliflower blue cheese soup


  • Toss the cauliflower and garlic in a little olive oil and a generous pinch of salt and roast in a moderate oven (170°C) for 45min
  • When the tips of the cauliflower are only just tinged nut brown the job is done
  • In a large pot puree the cauliflower, garlic and stock
  • Crumble in the cheese and puree again
  • Add more or less stock to achieve desired consistency
  • This soup often benefits from a tiny splash of cider vinegar to balance the richness of the cheese
  • Check seasoning


This simple pureed soup is perfect for the kind of sudden change in temperatures we’ve felt this past week. While the addition of blue cheese does a lot of the work for you, don’t be tempted to overdo it or the nutty notes of the cauliflower will be lost.