

  • Serves 2
  • 4 eggs (Agreeable Nature)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2T milk, water or cream (or coconut cream)
  • 2 T olive oil (or 2tsp oil and 4tsp butter).
  • ½ tsp cumin seeds
  • ¼ t mustard seeds
  • ½ a fresh chili
  • ½ an onion
  • a sprinkling of spring onions and a bit of coriander (Janefield Peonies and Hydroponics)


Spiced Scrambled Eggs

scr eggs


  • Cut up your onion and chilli
  • Get your spices ready to go
  • Beat the eggs with 2T of liquid and salt, beat until large bubbles form on the surface
  • Heat your non stick pan over a medium high heat
  • Once the pan is hot add your oil, then first your mustard seeds, and 10 seconds later the cumin and chilli
  • When you have heard about 6 seeds pop or after about 20 seconds add the onion and stir for two minutes
  • Hurl in the eggs and lift and fold from the edges of the pan in
  • Serve on toast


I do endless variations of spiced eggs; this recipe is a good starting point. Usually it is presented as breakfast food, and it is really good at brekkie, but equally as good on toast or rice for dinner.

Thanks to Agreeable Nature: eggs, and Janefield Peonies and Hydroponics: spring onions, coriander, for providing the ingredients used in the cooking demonstration.

Please click here if you wish to download this recipe