

  • Tub of Jacobs Dream Aslee hummus Dukkah from The Port Larder
  • Extra virgin olive oil from Dunford Grove
  • Marinated goats cheese from Goat Island Dairy
  • Olive & lentil tapenade from The Port Larder
  • Panimagia sourdough bread from Beano’s Bakery


The Market Platter 5th October 2019


  • Tasting platter of hummus with olive oil and dukkha served with sourdough bread from Beano’s Bakery
  • Marinated goat’s cheese from Goat Island Dairy
  • Olive and lentil tapenade from The Port Larder
  • These products are already made by vendors at the market and merely require assembling onto a platter
  • For the hummus, drizzle Dunford Grove extra virgin olive oil and Port Larder dukkah over Jacobs Dream Aslee hummus