

  • 1 bag new potatoes (Ettrick Gardens)
  • 1 ½ cups NZ spinach (Waikouiti Gardens)
  • 1 bunch dill (Janefield Hydroponics)
  • ½ cup aioli (Straight Up Vegan)
  • 4 spring onions (Ettrick Gardens)
  • Salt and pepper





Vegan Potato Salad

vegan potato salad


  • Put the potatoes in some cool water and give them a gentle wash with a vegetable brush, or even your hands
  • Cut the larger potatoes into 8 and the smaller into 4 so they are relatively the same size
  • Place potatoes into a pot and cover with cold water
  • Boil until a knife goes through without any resistance, being careful not to over-cook
  • It shouldn’t take longer than about 10 minutes
  • While the potatoes cook, roughly chop the spinach (stalks in) and place in a large bowl
  • Finely chop the dill and spring onions and add those to the bowl as well
  • Once the potatoes are cooked, drain them and set aside to cool for about 5 minutes
  • Then add them to the bowl, allowing the residual heat to slightly wilt the spinach
  • Leave to cool completely, approx
  • 30 minutes
  • Then add the aioli and a generous hit of salt and pepper
  • Taste and adjust the seasoning
  • Serve, and enjoy