Vivienne Scott & Chris Larcombe
- 03 439 5153
- 021 114 0613
Postal Delivery Centre \n Kakanui 9438, North Otago
Primary Produce Vegetables Plants Condiments Seasonal Vendor
Kakanui Produce

Chris and Vivienne lease multiple large glass houses where they grow cucumbers, peppers, beans, chillies, herbs, grafted soil grown tomatoes, silver beet, zucchinis, lemons, limes, oranges, mandarins, spring onions, and celery. They have limited citrus shrubs with some of the oranges and lemons on sale at the OFM coming from Chris’s Dad's glasshouses in Oamaru.
Outside they grow new potatoes, main crop potatoes, scallopinis, pumpkins, spring onions, and yams.
Both Vivienne and Chris are highly experienced nursery people. Vivienne in particular has had over 35 years working with plants, including propagation and grafting. Chris was born in Kakanui into a horticultural family and has grown up immersed in the industry. His parents had a small scale “stock and station” type operation providing essentials for the growers in the area. Chris grew up knowing all the local growers.
All plants that they grow - either to sell as plants at the market, or to plant out and sell produce from at OFM and Oamaru market over the summer months - Vivienne grows from seed, propagates and grafts where necessary.
They also produce a chilli sauce and jam from their excess chillies.