

  • Meringue Ingredients:
  • 2 egg whites (Agreeable Nature)
  • 1 tsp white vinegar
  • 2/3 cup castor sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp icing sugar
  • Berry Sauce Ingredients:
  • 150g fresh or frozen boysenberries (Ettrick Gardens)
  • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
  • 2-3Tbsp honey (Bennie's Honey)


Boysenberry Meringues

20181031 081641


  • Make sauce and set aside to cool before adding to meringues:Add sauce ingredients to a medium heat pan and cook until well mixed together and starting to thicken (if using frozen berries, thaw first but don’t discard any extra juice, it will just take a
  • 15 mins)
  • Fold in icing sugar
  • Decide on the size of your meringues and put approx
  • 2/3 of amount onto baking tray
  • Add 1 tsp sauce, then the other 1/3 of meringue on top, gently swirl together and spread into circles
  • (I suggest doing this as a little flatter-style meringues to help with consistent cooking
  • They will still be fine with mounds, they just may need an extra 10-15 mins cooking time
  • )Cook in a very slow oven (120 C) for 1 ¼ hours
  • Turn off oven and leave door ajar to dry as they cool
  • Store in an airtight container and they will last a few days
  • Any longer they will be ok, but will start to go soft


A pretty way to create something a little different from plain meringues. The berry sauce usually makes more than is needed for a batch of meringues but am sure you’ll agree it’s tasty enough to use for other topping desires.