

  • Custard
  • 2 eggs (Agreeable Nature)
  • 2 teaspoons cornflour
  • 1 Tablespoon stevia
  • 1 cup milk (Holy Cow)
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • Jelly & Syrup
  • 1 tin black cherries
  • 2 Tablespoons gelatin powder
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • Salad
  • 2 cups cherries (Willowbrook Orchard)
  • 1 large punnet strawberries (Janefield Hydroponics)
  • Cream
  • 1 cup cream (Holy Cow)
  • 1 cup cherries (Earnscleugh Orchard)
  • 2 cups vanilla cake - ripped into pieces (check with Gilberts Fine Foods)


Cherry and Vanilla Trifle with Strawberries



  • Custard Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk in the cornflour and stevia
  • In a medium sized pot, place the milk and the vanilla pod sliced down the middle, and heat until hot, but not boiling
  • Removed the vanilla pods and scrape out the seeds
  • Discard the shells
  • Pour the hot milk into the eggs and whisk continuously
  • Pour the mixture back into the pot and put back on the heat
  • Whisk continuously until it begins to boil
  • Set aside to cool
  • Jelly & Syrup Drain the tinned cherries from the liquid
  • Place the liquid in a measuring cup and make it up to 1½ cups with water
  • Add this to a pot with the cherries and 1 vanilla pod cut in half
  • Heat on a medium heat
  • While that heats, bloom the gelatin in approx
  • 4 Tablespoons water
  • Once the cherries and vanilla have heated through, scrape out the vanilla seeds and discard the pods
  • Using a stick blender, blend to form a syrup
  • Measure out 2 cups of the syrup and keep that for the jelly
  • Set the remainder of the syrup aside for later use
  • To make the jelly, combine the bloomed gelatin with the 2 cups of syrup and stir until the gelatin is melted in
  • Line a dish (that is relatively the same circumference as the bowl you intend to serve in) with glad wrap, and pour in the jelly liquid
  • Place in the fridge to set
  • Salad Remove the stems and stone from the cherries and cut into quarters
  • Set aside 4 strawberries for later use, and remove the tops from the rest and cut into quarters or 8’s depending on the size
  • Combine together with 2 Tablespoons of the syrup, and set aside
  • Assembly Press the cake into the bottom of the serving bowl and top with the remainder of the syrup
  • Top with the cooled custard
  • Place the set jelly ontop, followed by the salad
  • Cut the 4 strawberries that you earlier set aside into thin slices and place around the outside of the serving bowl
  • Whip the cream, remove the stem and stones from the cherries and roughly chop
  • Mix the cherries through the cream
  • Place the cream on the top of the trifle and smooth off with the back of a spoon
  • Serve topped with cherries
  • Enjoy!