

  • Crust
  • 185g plain flour
  • ¼tsp baking powder
  • 2T corn flour
  • 2T icing sugar
  • ¼tsp salt
  • 125g cold butter
  • 2T ice cold water
  • 4 cups raw rice or beans for blind baking
  • Filling
  • 2 eggs
  • ¼c brown sugar
  • 2T maple syrup
  • 250g pumpkin, cubed, roasted until soft, and cooled
  • 160ml evaporated milk or cream
  • 1tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½tsp ground allspice



Desserts Autumn


Redemptive Pumpkin Pie

redemptive pumpkin pie


  • Set oven to 180°C and position a rack mid oven
  • Put all crust ingredients in processor bowl and pulse to form a ball which comes clean away from the bowl
  • Place ball in cling film and refrigerate for 20min
  • Cut a circle of baking paper 4 inches wider than your 9 inch (24cm) loose bottom pie tin
  • Roll dough out into a circle big enough to fill your pie tin
  • Fit the dough to the tin and press to seal up any tears which may happen
  • Prick the crust all over with a fork, line with the baking paper and fill with the beans or rice
  • Bake for 15min, lift the paper and beans out and bake for a further 5min
  • Remove from oven ready for filling (reduce temp to 150°C)
  • To make the filling either mash the pumpkin and push it through a sieve with the back of a spoon before combining with all other filling ingredients or simply process all ingredients until perfectly smooth
  • Leaving the pie shell in the tin run a small sharp knife around the top edge of the tin to level off the crust and clear away the trimmings
  • Gently pour the filling into the shell, shuffling the tin side to side to level
  • Return pie to the oven and bake for 20min
  • At this point check that the centre of the pie is set (bake longer if necessary, a further 2-3 min at a time)
  • Once set, remove from oven and allow to cool
  • Carefully remove tin
  • Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice-cream


This recipe converted a non-pumpkin-pie-eating American friend of mine one Thanksgiving. If you’ve heard anything of the default method of preparation for this pie in the US you’ll understand why this success was, albeit ironic, entirely modest.