

  • Serves 4
  • 8 small very fresh zucchini -if you have any flowers, save these for when you plate up (Kakanui Produce)
  • A couple of glugs of your favourite olive oil (Dunford Grove)
  • Handful of fresh peas and skinned broad beans -defrosted is okay too (optional)
  • Crumbled feta (Whitestone Cheese)
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Grind of black pepper
  • Picked thyme leaves
  • Shaved parmesan



Vegetarian Raw


Simple Raw Zucchini Salad

zucc salad


  • On a mandolin, slice the zucchini into thin strips
  • In a non-reactive bowl, toss the zucchini strips with the olive oil, juice and a pinch of salt (add the peas and beans if you are using)
  • Taste as you go to get the right balance of sour and salty
  • Add a few picked thyme leaves
  • Leave at room temperature for 30 minutes
  • The zucchini will wilt a little and take on the flavours of the oil, lemon and salt
  • Split the dressed zucchini between the four plates and sprinkle with parmesan and/or the feta if using
  • If you have any flowers, roughly chop them and scatter over the top


A wonderful way to use fresh zucchini - delicious and healthy!

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