180 Main Road, \n Waikouaiti 9510
Bakery Added Value
Beano's Bakery

Beano’s Bakery (where all the market products are made) is situated Waikouaiti and has been selling freshly baked products for well over 20 years. Everyone here at Beano’s Bakery Ltd is dedicated to bringing the public fresh, delicious baked goods at an affordable price. We have a huge array of cakes, slices, biscuits, pastries and much more to offer.
Cam and Carol-Anne leased the business along with another partner for around 6 years, before Carol-Anne, her husband Mark and Cam and wife Jamie went into partnership and bought the booming business in 2018.
With 6 years of business at Beano’s already behind them they had built a great team of staff and could hit the ground running without most start up jitters.
Cam is a full qualified Chef and Baker. He is now training up an apprentice of his own and has become an executive member of BIANZ (NZ baking society). Cam and his apprentice cover the making of all the pies/bread products and love coming up with new flavours and trying something new!
Carol-Anne was born and raised in East Otago and started out her food creating career at a young age. She has over 40 years’ experience baking and oversees the making of a huge and ever-changing array of cakes, biscuits and puddings. She loves to create and try new recipes but knows the classics like the back of her hand.
Mark is an animal enclosure specialist by trade but is also very proficient at keeping everything in line behind the scenes, keeping up with all the books and paperwork that goes into a business. He is a tech wiz and along with wife Carol-Anne has run many businesses in his time.
This is Jamie’s first time in business but has worked at Beano’s Bakery since she was in high school many years ago, so she knows the place inside and out. After a brief time away at the start of the take over to have a baby, she is back and working the admin side of things with mark.