

  • ½ medium leek, sliced thinly (Ettrick Gardens)
  • 1 tin chickpeas, drained
  • 1 Tbsp butter (Holy Cow)
  • 2 Tbsp parsley, roughly chopped
  • 300g beetroot (raw) (Ettrick Gardens)
  • 4 Tbsp oil (Dunford Grove)
  • 2 carrots, peeled (Ettrick Gardens, Caithness Farm)
  • 2 Tbsp rice flour
  • Olive oil for shallow frying (Dunford Grove)
  • To serve mix together ½ cup natural unsweetened yoghurt with 1 Tbsp tahini paste and juice of ½ lemon plus a pinch of salt.



beetroot fritters


  • Begin by melting the butter in a small pot, add the leek and cook gently until soft and sweet (about 5 minutes)
  • Meanwhile grate the beetroot and carrots and put into a large bowl
  • Drain and rinse the chickpeas, then put them into the bowl of a food processor with the olive oil and blitz to a smooth paste
  • Transfer to the bowl with the beetroot, carrot and leek add the flour and parsley and season with salt and pepper
  • Shape the mixture into eight thick patties, using lightly floured hands if the mixture is at all sticky
  • Warm enough oil to generously cover the bottom of a shallow non-stick pan over a moderate heat
  • Carefully place the fritters into the hot oil and cook until golden and crisp on both sides (3 minutes each side)
  • Serve with the yoghurt sauce


These delightful fritters are full of nutrients, texture and flavour. You can easily add you favourite herbs or pulses to suit.

For a printable version of this recipe please click here