

  • Serves 4
  • 3 bunches (500g) kale, cavolo nero leaves, discard stalks (Ettrick Gardens)
  • ½ loaf (200g) good quality bread (sourdough or ciabatta), torn into bite sized pieces (Beanos Bakery, Gilberts Fine Food, Breads and More)
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil (Dunford Grove)
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • Dressing
  • 2 cloves garlic (Ettrick Gardens)
  • 4 anchovy fillets
  • 1 Tbsp white wine vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 egg yolk (Agreeable Nature)
  • ½ cup olive oil (Dunford Grove)
  • ¼ cup freshly grated parmesan, plus extra for garnishing



21st march kale 2


  • Preheat the oven to 180C Place the bread chunks onto a baking tray and drizzle over the 3 tablespoons olive oil, season with salt and a little pepper and toss to coat
  • Bake until crispy and golden
  • Remove and cool
  • Wash the kale well in cold water and drain, chill until required
  • To make the dressing; combine all the ingredients except the oil, and parmesan
  • Whisk or process until very thick
  • When thick slowly drizzle in the oil until it emulsifies (thickens and becomes mayonnaise like)
  • When all the oil is added, add the parmesan and mix through
  • Taste for seasoning
  • Remember this dressing is supposed to be strong in flavours – salty anchovy, garlicky and cheesy with parmesan
  • To assemble – place the kale and toasted croutons together in a bowl, add the dressing and coat so that the dressing clings to all the leaves
  • Grate or shave a little more fresh parmesan over the salad and serve immediately


Robust, nutritious kale smothered with a salty, creamy dressing doesn’t need much convincing. This is my go-to salad for the cooler months because it’s just right!

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