

  • Half a loaf, or part thereof, of stale bread, ideally ciabatta, cut into 1inch cubes
  • 6 ripe tomatoes, cut into chunks
  • A handful of basil leaves, torn if large
  • A chili, sliced, seeds in or out as suits your palate
  • Half a red onion, sliced in fine rounds
  • A generous glug of olive oil
  • A few splashes of a good balsamic vinegar
  • Pepper and salt to taste



panzanella bread salad 4


  • Tumble all ingredients together in a non-reactive bowl and let stand covered for at least a couple of hours
  • Enjoy as is or with your choice of lean protein meat


While this salad is based on stale bread it couldn’t be fresher, enjoy it while tomatoes are at their best. While a substantial white bread such as ciabatta is the default, I’ve also enjoyed this salad using heavy seedy or wholegrain breads. The point is to make use of whatever you have at hand. Chili can be red or green and use red wine vinegar or similar if you don’t have balsamic at hand. If that is the case the salad will benefit from a pinch of sugar to bring out the tomatoes natural sweetness.