

  •  Serves 2
  • 4 eggs, separated into two small bowls, 2 eggs in each
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar for poaching water
  • Bread for toasting
  • Butter for toast
  • For the Sautéed Kale/Silverbeet
  • 2 bunches of kale or silverbeet, about 6 cups after being de-veined and chopped
  • Half an onion, chopped2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup chicken or vege stock
  • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
  • salt and pepper to taste



poached eggs w kale ScaleWidthWzgwMF0


  • Submerge kale in a big bowl full of water; dirt will settle to the bottom of the bowl
  • Rinse and repeat this step, if necessary
  • Dry kale
  • One at a time, fold the kale leaves closed to expose the stem; remove the stem with one long slice of your knife
  • Once all the kale leaves are de-stemmed, chop it into ½” strips
  • Set aside
  • Heat a sauté pan over medium heat
  • Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the chopped onions; sauté
  • When the onions are soft, add the kale
  • When the kale turns a brighter shade of green and becomes soft (about five minutes), turn up the heat and add the stock and 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar
  • Let the liquid reduce
  • The kale should be ready when the moisture has been cooked down
  • Meanwhile, fill a medium sized saucepan with water and bring to a boil
  • Reduce the heat a bit and add the white vinegar to the water
  • Just before you begin poaching the eggs, toast and butter the bread
  • Stir the poaching water clockwise to create a whirlpool
  • Slip two of the eggs into the center of the saucepan’s vortex so that the water’s current help the whites of the egg wrap around the yolks
  • Let the eggs cook 2-4 minutes, depending on the desired "doneness" of the yolks
  • As the eggs finish cooking, put the buttered toast on a plate and cover with a generous amount of kale
  • Using a slotted spoon, remove the poached egg from the water and set atop the kale toast
  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper
  • Repeat the process with the next two eggs
  • Serve immediately


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